Dear All, The Staatkapelle Dresden is my favourite orchestra.  The
beautiful veiled strings, charcterful woodwinds and transparancy of
sound make many other orchestras sound stodgy and overripe.

My favourite Dresden recording is a Denon (Herbert Bomsted conducting) CD
of Strauss' Death and Transfiguration.  Awesome sound.  The thwack on the
timpanii at the transfiguration might upset the neighbours!  Interesting
to hear how much better the Dresden orchestra is in Don Juan (Denon) than
the San Francisco SO under the same conductor.  The West Coasters sound
westernised and dull compared to the inner fire, charater and conviction
of the Staatskapelle Dresden.

What other recordings of this fine orchestra would others add to a
must-hear list?  Regards,

David Harbin
Nottingham, UK