I just got a call from our local [Kansas City] Friends of Chamber Music
saying that the recitalist scheduled for this Saturday, American pianist
John Browning, is in the hospital with pneumonia, and that in his place we
will be hearing Ignat Solzhenitsyn. I'm really sorry to miss hearing John
Browning, whom I've always liked a lot. I'm vaguely familiar with the name
Ignat Solzhenitsyn but know nothing about him. Has anyone heard him?

I searched the List archives and found only one mention of him, a year ago,
from regular contributor Janos Gereben. It was Mozart concerto performance
with the touring Royal Philharmonic of London:

"The Mozart was dry and lifeless.  Ignat Solzhenitsyn -- adequate, bland,
playing notes more than music -- should not be presented as an
international star at premium prices; the Moscow Conservatory must have a
dozen recent graduates who are more interesting or worthwhile pianists."

Scott Morrison

Scott Morrison
Prairie Village KS
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