Nick Perovich <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Bill S wrote, in regard to Mats Morrman's comments about Walter's unfair
>scolding of orchestral players:
>>All I have heard about Walter, and I know many musicians and others who
>>played under him and attended his recording sessions, is the opposite from
>>what you said here.  He was the furthest from a tyrant.  There have been
>>many rehearsal and recording session tapes and none evidence the sort of
>>behavior you mention.  Quite the opposite.
>For what it's worth, let me quote Schoenberg on Walter: "A magnificent
>conductor, but a nasty creature who makes me feel sick whenever I think of
>him." Says Michael Tanner: "He cultivated a gentle, conciliatory manner
>which concealed a ruthless ambition and vindictiveness."

As I said.  The bio I referred to has no sources listed, but it is full of
examples.  For example when that round-breathing was the new snob for wind
players...the first trumpeter in Walters orchestra had not yet mastered
the technique in full, and failed to hold on a long tone in a solo at one
repetition (forgot which work).  Walter screamed:  "Idiot!".  Perhaps it is
not allowed for a musician to care for ones own development too?

Mats Norrman
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