Symphonies 3 and 4? No kidding? *dead faint* Symphony 1, anyhow, was
once on CD (and I've heard it and liked it.) Symphony 2, my first Sinding
work (10+ years ago,) I've heard and didn't like, but I might listen again
sometime.  But symphony 3 I've only seen in score (F major, op. 121), and
symphony #4 I only know exists- I know nothing more about it.  This news is
_most_ welcome.  Thank you, Mr. Pennycuick.  Now if they'll follow up with
the violin concerti and the a minor string quartet (op. 70, my favorite
Sinding work by far and a wonderful and inventive piece, but unrecorded) I
know they'll have made _my_ day.  (Of these latter four works only one- the
A major violin concerto- is recorded, and that on LP only...) (Not that I'd
mind if Naxos tried hand at.)

-Eric Schissel suddenly quite interested indeed.