Mimi Ezust responds to Rudolph Tang [who] wrote: [in essence]

>>Does the Preludio of J.S.Bach (whose BWV I am not able to recall) have an
>>orchestral or organ version or was it converted from the composer's other
>The Preludio that you have asked about is the first movement of BWV 1006,
>the Partita for unaccompanied violin.  There is reference to an arrangement
>by Bach for a keyboard instrument called 1006a, and furthermore, there is
>use of the same movement in the Cantata BWV 29 Sinfonia (first movement)
>scored for chamber orchestra and organ.  The cantata is called Wir danken
>dir Gott, wir danken dir. This information can be found in the Schmieder

More remotely, the preludio is disassembled and quoted extensively [and
even brought into uncomfortably close relationship with the "Dies Irae"]
in a solo violin sonata by Eugene Ysae...his op.  27/3.  A less deft
deconstruction of the 1960s may be found in Lukas Foss's "Phorion."
["Baroque Variations"].

John Wiser
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