Is anybody interested in obtaining another duplication that I've discovered
in my CD collection?

It's the 1943 Dresden Semperoper's recording of *Don Giovanni* (on Berlin
Dokumente 0325 001), conducted by Carl Elmendorff, w/ Mathieu Ahlersmeyer
as Don Giovanni, Kurt Boehme as Leporello, Marianne Schech as Donna Anna,
Margarete Teschenmacher as Donna Elvira, Elfriede Weidlich as Zerlina, Hans
Hopf as Don Ottavio, Heinrich Pflanzl as the Commendatore, and Gottlob
Frick as Masetto.

It's sung in well translated German and I've enjoyed it a lot.  While the
libretto is in German only, the liner notes are in English as well and
contain excerpts from three authors' (E.T.A.  Hoffmann, Eduard Moerike,
and Louis Fuernberg) fantasies on Mozart and his dramma giocoso.

A recent Berkshire catalogue (the CD case has a characteristic notch
drilled into it to prevent dealers' returning it to suppliers for full
credit) lists its price at US$17.99.

I'll pay for the uninsured domestic postage to send it to whoever makes me
the best offer w/in the next few days.

Walter Meyer