Walter Meyer wrote:

>With all we read about the decline in classical music and in younger
>people's interest in same, I find this program, which I've now heard
>for the second time, a morale booster.

Our station broadcasts the program on my shift, so I hear it every
Saturday.  I concur with Walter's observation.  While I don't care for
certain aspects of for the audience favorites...and their
"reporter" Halley...a bit of her is ok, but she does not wear well.

Christopher O'Riley is excellent as the host.  While I find most
"educational programming" for classical music to be dreadful, this is a
fine program.

For the two hour slot before that program we have a two hour show which we
produce.  It is called the Basics.  It too is well done and is not the
usual "idiots guide" to classical music sort of thing.
