Deryk Barker wrote:

>Actually Bakels' Antartica is genreally reckoned to be mre than 'really
>nice'.  I think I tend to agree.

You are right.  It's the first version I bought and it's still my
favourite.  The organ parts are the most impressive and terrifying I have
heard.  But I don't know many versions, only Bakel, Boult and Thomson (and
I listened to Previn's recording maybe a year ago...  but I don't remember

About Previn and Vaughan Williams symphonies I also have his recent
recordings of the 2nd and the 5th on Telarc but I don't like them.
Especially the 2nd which is strangely recorded:  the soft moments are
barely audible and the stronger are pretty aggressive.  But I really love
"The Lark Ascending" which is coupled with it (I also love Thomson version
on Chandos).

You know I am not a musician and I can only express my very subjective
views.  I am here to learn all I could:  I really love music and I need
advices and recommendations.  I have listened to "classical" music for
about 2 years only.


Bruno Galeron