Can't be much help with your questions, Don, but just wanted to pipe
in that we read his piano trio a couple of weeks ago and it is tremendous
fun.  Frothy and loaded with humour indeed, but within that, extremely
well-written and crafted, challenging for the performers but well-suited
to the instruments, in short wonderful music. I have heard some of that
ASV disc, I think (it's the Berlin Phil Wind Quintet, no?) and enjoyed
it very much.

We hope to program that piece for this summer.  Meanwhile, we are now
learning an amazing piece, the trio by Rebecca Clarke.  Many might be
familiar with her viola sonata, her best-known work, but the piano trio
is an incredible work, original, beautiful, with an vast range of colors
and emotions.  To judge by this piece she is truly a gifted composer,
and I'm curious about other works of hers.

Dave Runnion