It seems timely to repost this to ths list at this time, this is a reply I
receieved from Ruth in November when I e mailed her about this article.

Thought that you all would be interested in the reply I received directly
from Dr Ruth Lawrence in response to her recent article that we have
discussed . My original post to her is also included in this message as well
as her article.

To: "'Cindy Curtis, RN, IBCLC'" cindyrn@e...
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 2:08 PM
Subject: RE: recent article with quotes from you.

> Dear Ms. Curtis:
> My presentation on herbs and herbal teas was reported far and wide and not
> always accurately.  Thanks for including the one you saw.
> I did not include Fenugreek on the list of dangerous herbs.  I did discuss
> it extensively.  There are no placebo controlled trials reported.  Cross
> allergies to peanuts and chick peas are important.  Other effects are
> lowering blood sugar and colic in the infant to mention a few.  It should
> be carefully studied in a placebo controlled trial with blood sugar
> determinations before it is promoted as a galactogue.
> Ruth Lawrence, MD
> > ----------
> > From: Cindy Curtis, RN, IBCLC[SMTP:cindyrn@e...]
> > Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 5:43 PM
> > To: Lawrence, Ruth
> > Subject: recent article with quotes from you.
> >
> > Dear Dr. Lawrence,
> >
> > I am an RN and IBCLC. The following article has been of great debate and
> > topic in the lactation internet communities.  I am curious as to why you
> > say
> > that Fenugreek should be avoided by breastfeeding moms. I am sure that
> > are aware of its widespread use for increasing milk production in
> > moms. I am not speaking specifically of teas, but fenugreek capsules.  I
> > have dozens of surveys filled out by nursing moms that have been taking
> > with little or no side effect even in doses up to 5,000 mg per day. I am
> > very interested in this herb and have been collecting surveys for some
> > months now. I would appreciate your insights and thoughts specifically
> > Fenugreek capsules for nursing moms.  Also, I would like permission to
> > share
> > your information with my Lactation colleagues. Thank you for your time!
> >
> > Cindy
> >
> > ~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**
> > Cindy Curtis, RN, IBCLC
> > mailto:cindyrn@e...
> >
> >
> >
> > Herbal Teas: Risky for Nursing Moms and Babies?
> >
> > Dr. Ruth Lawrence of the University of Rochester
> > warned pediatricians at a recent meeting of The
> > American Academy of Pediatrics, that some herbal teas
> > may be unsafe for nursing moms and their babies. She
> > noted that even some herbal teas touted as breastmilk
> > stimulants, may contain toxic ingredients. While some
> > herb teas are fine to be drinking, a nursing mother
> > needs to pay close attention to the ingredients in
> > order to avoid those which may cause harm to her baby
> > or reduce milk supply. The younger the infant,
> > the greater the potential risk. An older child, for
> > whom breastmilk is only part of their diet, is at less
> > risk than an exclusively breastfed baby.
> >
> > Certain herbal teas appear to be safe, including those
> > containing mint, orange spice, rose hips, ginger,
> > lemon grass oil and evening primrose.  Herbs to avoid
> > include fennel, borage, comfrey leaf, sage and
> > fenugreek.
> >
> >
> >

Cindy Curtis, RN, IBCLC
mailto:[log in to unmask]

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