  In a message dated 12/8/0 1:06:32 PM, Betsy Wells-Gephart writes:

<< Another IBCLC here in my area told me that she has had experiences with
Ibuprofen in nursing moms that tend to 'hold' milk in the breasts and cause
plugging and mastitis.  ........ I'm just trying to gather more anecdotal
stories about this med. >>
Interesting that I hear OB/GYN docs suggest Ibuprofen for heavy menstral
flow, to slow flow, and have heard women report that it indeed does slow
heavy menstral flow.
    MMMM!,  I hear that, too and it works for me.  I thought that was
because it decreases the swelling and cramping and the bleeding slows
because of the effect of decreasing the cramping.  Maybe then, it decreases
the oxytocin effect (the cramping) of the ducts that causes MER and that's
why milk stays in the breasts....mmm.
    Thanks for more thought on that matter.
           Betsy Wells-Gephart RN,IBCLC
           Chandler, AZ
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