Barbara wrote:
>I went to promom and can't use the clip art as I had in the past-they
don't seem
>to have an email to ask about it.

When I went to this site I noticed that at the bottom of the page was the

>Unless stated otherwise, all materials © 1998-2000 ProMoM, Inc. All
rights reserved

I am somewhat confused by this. Almost all of the clip art hown on that
site was drawn by Lesley Robinson, an LLLL and IBCLC.  You can see her
initials if you look closely. Can someone copyright the work of an artist
without their permission? I know for a fact that her intention was to
make her work freely available in reaction to the proliferation of
pictures of bottles that are virtually the icon for a baby in so many

Norma Ritter, IBCLC
private practice in Big Flats, NY
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