Alan Moss wrote, replying to Walter Meyer:

>>>And, one might add, hardly needs enhancement through acting.  Caruso
>>>once famously remarked that all one needed for a good performance of
>>>"Trovatore" were the four greatest singers in the world.

To which I added:

>>I thought this was a quotation from Toscanini...
And Walter Meyer:

>According to Ethan Mordden's *A Guide to Opera Recordings* (p.  126), the
>statement was Caruso's.

Thank you Walter for clarifying this subject.  In fact I was careless,
because in my own copy of The New Kobbe's Opera Book (p. 882), I can read:

   "Il Trovatore was never easy to cast and has always required, as
   Caruso is supposed to have pointed out, no less than 'the four best
   singers in the world' (...)".

Wilson Pereira.