I am trying to find the ideal recording.  Boulez conducts brilliantly but
the soloists are too close (+ a bit boring) and the chorus is recorded in
a drain somewhere.  The great blaze of sunlight at the end is like the
flickering of an electric lightbulb.  Sinopoli is said to have the finest
orchestra (the Staaskapelle Dresden - sigh) and stunning recorded sound,
however he dawdels too much.  Chailly is again plagued by a recording that
mikes the soloists and fudges the great choral entry at the end (too
quiet).  His conducting misses that last edge of excitement for me.

Heard that the Kubelik was special but is now long deleted.

What is the new cheapie Del Mar rerelease on EMI like?

Is there a Gurreleider out there for me or am I condemed to wander the
heavens that are my local record stores Gurreleider-style in vain?

Many thanks in advance,

David Harbin
Nottingham, UK