The ever prolific Musica Antiqua Koln are responsible for yet another new
recording release.  This recording is titled "Le Roi Danse" ("The King is
Dancing") and is the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack for this new film.
The DG website describes the film as follows:

   "Louis (XIV), heir to the throne in a troubled kingdom, is a shy
   young man of 14 when the musician (Jean-Baptiste) Lully makes an
   entry into the royal court and recognises the dauphin's talent for

   "With brilliant artistry Lully composes ballets that magnify and
   glorify Louis image. The young monarch develops self-confidence and
   outwits the hostile forces bent on depriving him of his rightful

   "Lully and his colleague Moliere are the magical masters of this
   grandiose state ballet. Lully gives it music and soul, Moliere bring
   words and ideas. Yet both will be undone."

Recording details:

   "Le Roi Danse": music by Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687), Jacques
   Cordier (~1580-1655), Michel Lambert (1610-1696), Robert Cambert
   (~1627-1677) - Celine Scheen, (soprano), Goedele Heidbuchel (soprano
   II), Ex Tempore (Chorus master: Florian Heyerick), Musica Antiqua
   Koln, Reinhard Goebel (conductor) - DG CD 463 446-2 - released 11/3/00
   (Recorded in 1999)

DG recording website:

Film website:

Has anyone in Europe seen this film yet? Any comments/reviews?

I wouldn't surprise me if this CD isn't released in The States.

Brad Leissa, M.D.
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