Kim Patrick Clow writes:

>Thanks for those who posted info on how to get a copy of this book. ...

I'm not sure that it has been made sufficiently clear, that only one used
copy of this book had been pointed out to the original poster.  No more
than that one copy were to be had.  One has to move fast on such things,
because they tend to disappear within hours of coming up in the database.
That is why I cc'd my post to the original inquirer, rather than wait until
Dave sent it to the list in a batch some hours later.  If I were another
sort of book dealer, I would have snarfed that single copy on the spot,
confident that I could resell it for three times the asking price of the
seller.  The book is OUT OF PRINT [pardon me for shouting]!  You may hang
around Amazon and B&N 'til Hell freezes over and you won't see it turn up
there.  I hope the original poster got it, rather than another dealer.
Who knows when another copy will show up in the used-book databases?

John Wiser
Jicotea Used Books & Music
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