The Early Music mailing lists have mentioned this interview of Nikolaus
Harnoncourt by Norman Lebrecht, so I'll recommend it.  You can find it
at the Culture Kiosque website, but here's the direct URL:

It's not all about early music, either!  The interesting thing I found in
this interview was reading about the juxtapositioning of NH's career in HIP
musicmaking with that of his earlier exposures to the conventional symphony
orchestras and some of the great conductors of the mid-century, and how it
has come full circle (in a way) with his more recent activities.  Not to
mention the oft-made comparisons (including on this List) about Baroque
music versus the later stuff.

One thing I might quibble with in the article--it seems to state
that Harnoncourt's first operatic conducting was in the early 70s, with
Monteverdi's "Il Ritorno d'Ulisse in Patria".  But I seem to recall that
his studio recording of "L'Orfeo" is from the 60s, and perhaps the other
Monteverdi opera recordings not too much later than that.  But perhaps
Lebrecht is talking about a staged performance only.

In any case, interesting reading.

Bill H.