One of the benefits of belonging to the list is reading of what others have
been listening to.  Steve Schwartz's review prompted me to dig out an EMI
LP containing Yardumian's 1st Symphony which I had not heard in years, and
to wonder if it will ever make it to CD. I read the Grove entries on
Yardumian, and on Anshel Brusilow, who was the conductor on the LP, and
the soloist in the premiere of Yardumian's Violin Concerto.

The only other Brusilow I have is an EMI CD containing, among others,
an especially passionate Borodin 2nd.  Both this and the LP are with
the Bournemouth Symphony and were recorded in 1976.  I vaguely remember
Brusilow's name on the radio in conjunction with the Chamber Symphony of
Philadelphia.  I wondered why a gifted conductor, highly thought of by such
people as Ormandy and Szell and, indeed, Yardumian, who gave the LP his
enthusiastic imprimatur, recorded comparatively little.  In short, whatever
happened to Anshel Brusilow?

Richard Pennycuick
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