Ray Bay wrote:

>We are hoping that some of you can list your favorite five or ten books on
>classical music...  They could be on a composer or a period or philosophy.

Johann Sebastian Bach, the learned musician. Christoph Wolff
Humphrey Carpenter: Benjamin Britten (biography)
Thayer's Life of Beethoven
The New Harvard Dictionary of Music
McGhee, Rigg and Klausner: Singing Early Music
Kerala Snyder: Dietrich Buxtehude (biography)
Handbook to Bach's Sacred Cantata Texts: Melvin P. Unger
The Music of Benjamin Britten: Peter Evans
Bach: Essays on his Life and Music: Christoph Wolff
Can't Help Singing, the autobiography of Eileen Farrell
The Pianist: Wladislow Spilzman
Indivisible by Four, the story of the Guarneri String Quartet: Arnold

To name just a very few. Nota bene the variety from fun reads to very
scholarly. Quite intentional.

Kevin Sutton