Richard Pennycuick in a Olympia siting:

>"This unique recording will feature the first ever fortepiano
>built for left-handed performers."
>Could someone please explain why a fortepiano built for left-handed
>performers is, apparently, such a good idea.

AFAIK, when this popped up a few years ago, the reason to mirror the piano
was that a Left-handed person have his motoric sences mirrored vis-a-vis
the more common right.handed.  This given, a reversed piano should be
more suitable for those in need.  In part, I guess, its as much a way of
publicising a new artist, giving the career a boost (I have unfortunatly
lost the name of the pianist, but I seem remember that there was an article
in the New York Post...)

peter lundin, -  Counting the days: DDS 100 (1906-2006)