Eric James replies to Steve Schwartz writes of the Canadian Brass:

>>Influential? Whom do they influence? To me, they're the Charlotte Church of
>>brass quintets - famous, but not particularly interesting or technically
>>sufficient.  The Miller Brass Ensemble of Chicago plays rings around them
>>and plays much more difficult repertoire besides.
>Here's how the Canadian Brass is influential.  Pretty much every brass
>player I talk to, from beginner to pro, admires this group.  Young players
>are simply in awe of them.

And I have a friend/student, a former professional who studied with
Herseth, who feels similarly, particularly about the new trumpeter Jens
Lindemann, who is capable of playing David Mason['s piccolo trumpet solo
from Penny Lane immaculately live (I know, I've heard him do it).

Sorry Steve, but you comparison with CC is insulting and unworthy.

Deryk Barker
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