Well, hoping for more Bach epiphanies, I picked up Bach's Art of Fugue
with the Concerto Italiano on Opus 111--a performance said to be for us
'dummies,' so to speak; I also picked up the Gramophone rave: Davitt
Moroney playing the above on harpsichord--a performance said to be for
those of us who have 'arrived.'

Is it me, or is Art of Fugue a world apart from the lyricism and
approachability of Musical Offering?  Jordi Savall offers his own rendition
of AofF with forces similar to Concerto Italiano. Savall did the impossible
for me--he refreshed Handel's Water Music so completely that I found it
impossible to turn off.  (On Astree at mid-price!) Is his A of F worth
looking into?

John Smyth (Looking forward to hearing Rachel Podger in Bach's Sonatas for
Violin and Harpsichord)