Martha wrote:
"I just took a new job at our local level III hospital as part of the
lactation team.  Within a week of being hired, I learned that our
organization will soon be starting an outpatient lactation program.  The
program will utilize the same staff that currently does inpatient LC care.
We have lots of questions:
*       how to register clients as outpatients who will be seen in an
inpatient setting
*       protocols for outpatient lactation
*       billing, of course
*       see all babies, or only up to a certain age?
*       do moms self-refer or do they need referral from a doctor?"

In my hospital I do the inpatient and outpatient LC visits.  We register
clients as outpatients, similar to those prenatal patients who come in with
UTIs or some other complaint, but are not admitted.  Billing is done by the
hospital billing department.  The women is registered in the computer and
signs a form agreeing to pay for services rendered.  The service is open to
any lactating women, any age baby.  In our area there is no insurance
coverage for now, so moms can self-refer.  We have heard that the insurance
companies are starting to look at coverage for LC services and that it might
happen in another year or so.

Barb Berges BS, RN, IBCLC
Rochester, New York

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