"Donald Satz" wrote:

>Cello Suite No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1008 - The Prelude is highly
>introspective and melancholy.  One can imagine it to express a person's
>self-examination of life from the view of opportunities lost, close
>relationships abandoned or not made, and longings not fulfilled.

My wonderful cello mentor discovered very quickly in working with me that
I played better when I had songful words in my head associated with various

When I was first working with him on the Prelude to the Bach suites No.
2, he urged me to think quickly of the words that came first into my head
to go with the opening theme.  They were -- quite appropriate to the above
description of the mood - -"Hope, hope, hope.  And now it's not like that
at all. . ."

Linda Rogers