I don't know if this applies at all U.S.  outlets of Borders Books and
Records, but I just got back from shopping (supposedly for Christmas
presents for others, but that's another story) and discovered they're
having a sale:  20% off all boxed sets of CDs.

I had been eyeing a 10 CD boxed set of Bach's big sacred pieces by Karl
Richter, recorded in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the versions I grew
up on and still adore.  It was marked $71.  It includes the St. Matthew
Passion, the St. John Passion, the Christmas Oratorio, the Mass in b
minor, and the Magnificat.  With his Munich Bach Festival forces and
soloists like Fritz Wunderlich, Gundula Janowitz, Evelyn Lear, Dietrich
Fischer-Dieskau.  Maurice Andre plays trumpet on the Christmas Oratorio.
Classic recordings.

And then I noticed the sale and quickly calculated I could get out of there
with 10 CDs at Naxos prices.

There went my Christmas shopping for others!  I'll have to go back later
for them.  Now, who do I know who'd want boxes of operas and cantatas and
collected symphonies and sonatas, oh my?

Scott Morrison