Ramiro Arguello asks:

>Some time ago, one on this list recommended a version of this symphony.
>Now I read that there is a new DGG recording with Boulez and the VPO,
>somebody has heard it?

In case you haven't been following the thread, there have been several
favourable opinions voiced on the Boulez Bruckner 8th on the list in
the last few months.

Versions of the Bruckner 8th which have been recommended on this
list include Horenstein, to which I would add the late Karajan Vienna
Philharmonic version, and the Furtwaengler 1944, Vienna Philharmonic.

I find it fascinating that Karajan came to identify more closely to this
score than just about any other. Celibidache too called it the zenith of

Satoshi Akima
Sydney, Australia