I recently bought the following two Naxos CD's:

Ravel: Bolero, Daphnis and Chloe, Ma Mere l'oye [8.550173]

Respighi: Ancient Airs and Dances [8.553546]

Most of both CD's are barely audible for two-thirds or so of the disk.
Towards the end they approach what could be considered a reasonable volume.
I play them only on my iMac computer and the sound of any CD is somewhat
tinny, but fully audible.  The volume is turned up fully.  I have other
Naxos CD's which play normally.

I am wondering if any other persons on the list have similar problems with
Naxos CD's, and if so, do they have an explanation for this condition.  I
deliberately bought these works on Naxos because of my satisfaction with my
earlier experiences with the label.

Anything that list members could offer by way of explanation would be most


Alex Renwick,
Ottawa, Canada