First of all, what a wonderful line of discussion Mr.  Rollheiser has
begun as part of a class assignment!  Many lines of discussion on this
list don't grab my attention but this one did.  I have to echo the same
sentiments as many have before me, that the selection of classical music on
the radio in my area is so poor that I would rather spend my time listening
to recordings or concerts (which are all to many hours away for me to make
it).  The only daily classical music on my radio is from Natinal Public
Radio.  Throughout most if not all of North Carolina NPR is comes through
Chapel Hill and is all run by UNC Chapel Hill.  Our classical music
programming comes from their even though I live on the coast and Chapel
Hill is half-way through this 500 mile long state.

The selection which is not good is the selection for the state.  Basically
the strategy seems to be that pieces need to be short and they either need
to be greatest hits pieces (another sentiment already expressed by many) or
by any baroque piece which is played in exactly the same way that all other
baroque pieces are played on this station.  I've been plagued by this
choice all my life.  When I was in the School of Music at East Carolina
University I felt guilty for not listening to classical radio.  But I did
not enjoy the selection.

Then I lived in Durham for three years and came across a great find.
There is a non-commercial, independent classical radio station in Wake
Forest (where Wake Forest University was before it moved to Winston Salem)
which broadcasts to the middle of the state.  This station, WCPE has a
wonderful selection which caused me to listen to classical music on the
radio in a way that I never had before.

Then I moved.  This station can be found on the internet
( and on satellite, but often listen to
the radio when I am not on line.  I did find something wonderful.  There
is a local mainly Rock station based out of Manteo which is independent,
something which is hard to find in any genre today.  Their selection of
pop stuff really intrigued me.  Then I found that on Sundays they did some
interesting programming.  On Sunday mornings they play classical music for
hours.  The selection may not give much of the unexpected but they pick
wonderful performances.  I frequently listen to their broadcast over those

Bryan Shaw
Avon, NC
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