WFMT in Chicago is excellent for classical music.

If you live in an area where you have none, WFMT sells various packages for
daily broadcast that can be 6 hrs, 12, 18 or 24 hours...  A good donation
to your local public radio station might be a start on getting WFMT...

Also there is the broadcast by "Jim Sevedra" (I am not sure of the
spelling) He is in LA. I think the broadcast or the marketing comes
out of Seattle.  Excellent, but sometimes controversial programming.

There is at least one other...

They all cost money... which public radio stations don't have...  Beginning
at about $1200 per year for a small audience... then going up based on
hours of broadcast and the size of the audience.

Also, some of the bigger Classical CD businesses will sell all their new
stuff to local radio stations... starting at about $850 a year...  for
about 5 CD's each week. Which is sad because they will give the same
station all the free jazz, rock, folk, or world CD's they can broadcast.
Still, this helps to build a local library.

If you know a source of funding, these can be very important to your local
station. Each station manager gets a book or catalog twice a year that
describes what is available for how much money...  The entire amount must
be paid up front.

We found that wills were a good way to ensure classical music funding.
Encourage your friends to leave an annual stipend to support classical
programming for after they go to the happy hunting ground... You cannot
do it because you don't plan on dying.

Ray Bayles