[It's settled then.  Naxen it is...  -Dave (the Republican)]

Whatever the proper plural is, I confess I think in these terms also.
I buy mostly used or cutout CDs so I've settled on it as a convenient
device.  I don't know how Dave came up with the unusual term "Naxen."
However, last night I was laying in bed trying to decide which CDs to ask
for for Christmas; this is one of the few times I get "new" CDs so I choose
carefully.  Realizing that expensive ones (Hamelin's Godowsky, Haydn's
Masses by Hickox, Marston's transfers of Arrau recordings, the Leonard
Warren on Romophone) were on my list for consideration I was concerned
about the cost.  Subconsciously, while trying to trim the list, I found
myself thinking in terms of how many "Naxen" I was requesting.  So, for me,
Naxen it is Dave.

Now what exactly is the origin of the computerese, and is the value
variable depending on the cost of one Naxos in each area? (Here they are


 [I capriciously got "Naxen" from the computer world.  More than
 one Vax computer is often referred to by those in the know as
 "Vaxen".  The Greeks were ignorant of CDs and computers, so I
 wouldn't have expected them to get it right.  -Dave]