Pa"rt's Symphony No 3, Tabula Rasa and Collages

Shostakovich's Preludes and Fugues Op 87 (Konstantin Scherbakov)

Rawsthorne's Cello Concerto, Oboe Concerto and Symphonic Studies (David
Lloyd-Jones conducting)

Tavener: Choral Music (unspecified)

Scriabin's Symphony #3 and Poem of Ecstasy transcribed for two pianos

MacDowell's piano concertos

Fritz Kreisler playing the Brahms concerto and Mozart #4

The Niagara and Santa Claus symphonies by William Henry Fry (1813-1864),
a name new to me.  Grove says:

   "Fry was perhaps the first native American to attempt the larger
   forms of composition.  His music, however, despite an emphasis on
   American elements, remains rooted in the French and Italian operatic
   and German symphonic traditions of the early 19th century."

It also lists a number of interesting compositions, a fair percentage
followed by that frustrating word, "lost". The new CD is certainly worth
investigating, I think.

Richard Pennycuick
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