Bert Bailey wrote:

>I have quite a few of these sets and think that they are excellent.  The
>Mozart/Schubert set with the Trout and the "Answer the telephone" piano
>quartet are particularly fine.

Is this Virgin:  7243 5 61454 2 9? I have it for the Schubert Adagio &
Rondo concertante, (D. 487) a long standing favorite of mine!  However I'm
not familiar with the "Answer the telephone" bit.  Is there a phone ringing
any where in the Mozart K. 478 or K. 493, or is there some humor attached
to one of these two pieces relating to the telephone? If the latter is
true, let me/us know since I think we could all use something to laugh
about!  I did hope the Schubert piece which I like so much would have
been more closely miked than it is.  Perhaps someone can recommend such
a recording.  I find the Naxos disc to be very much in the same recording

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