Sylvia Wolfe asks:

>Is there anybody out there who really likes serial music, and if so, can
>you put your finger on what it is that appeals? Just curious.

Yes, I like many works written using the serial technique.  There are
also a couple of them that I do not like and there are many I think are
interesting for a couple of reasons but I do not really like.  I think
there is no reason to put serialism appart from the *rest* and treat serial
works as an isolated group.  Serialism is/was a tool used by some composers
to create their musical ideas.  The outcome mostly is/was quite varied.
IMHO serialism not a *style* that has easy to recognize common features (at
least without looking at the score), thus for me it makes no sense to like
or dislike it in general.  One should judge for each single piece of music.
Therefore I can not answer Sylvias question what it is that appeals, as
this differs from work to work.

Achim Breiling