I totally agree with Bert Bailey about the value of libraries.  I,
too, was a habitual browser of all the wonderful pieces available in the
library, be they books, recordings, paintings, cassettes or videos.  Cut
backs in funding, in acquisition, staffing, and reduced hours the library
is open has turned me to the internet to such sites as this.  The curious
will always find a way to acquire the knowledge they crave.  It is almost
an addiction, my friends kid me.  There is also classical radio and TV to
augment what we can't afford to collect privately.  And there are some
private lending libraries out there that will add to the variety of places
one can "get their fix".  Ideally the craving for having the recordings in
hand is a wonderful boon to the superstores and websites where profit is
the primary object.  I get my music and art wherever I can.  I will always
be an inquiring mind never satiated by yesterdays discoveries.  Music in
general is an infinite and ever expanding subject which I will continue to
enjoy however my pocketbook can handle it.  I think I am not alone either,

Jane Pierce
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