Alex Soteros asks:

>Can you think of any artist who is both a composer and an author?

It all depends on what you mean by author and composer.  If you mean
anyone who has put down both words and notes, the list is rather long
and includes:  Hildegarde von Bingen, Machaut, Hofhaimer, Campion, Morley,
Hoffmann, Schumann, Berlioz, Wagner, Ives, Debussy, Busoni, Antheil,
Elwell, Murray, Roy, Milhaud, Brecht, Menotti, Copland, Thomson, Rorem,
Sondheim, Carter, Sessions, Schoenberg, Piston, Stravinsky, Bernstein, and
Pound.  And don't forget Cole Porter, Vernon Duke, and Irving Berlin.

Steve Schwartz