Alex Soteros:

>I note that this morning BBC3 broadcast a piece by William Wordsworth.
>After some research I found that this was the 20th Century composer
>William Brocksley Wordsworth - not the early 19th Century poet.

His 2nd and 3rd symphonies were available on Lyrita, whose catalogue
seems to be in limbo.  Even by Lyrita's high standards, it's magnificently
recorded and worth snapping up if a copy appears.  Regrettably, they didn't
record any of the other six symphonies.

>Can you think of any artist who is both a composer and an author?

There's always Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), the Swiss author,
philosopher, composer and, FAIK, part-time lion tamer and short order
cook.  His opera, Le Devin du Village, is available on cpo.

Richard Pennycuick
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