For those of you who have been following our MP3 Picks, my apologies for
a few days off.  Busy times here in Mallorca!  When I started this little
feature, a certain well-known list moderator told me that it would be hard
keeping up a daily pace.  Correct again, Dave.

Anyway, here we go again, and today, to celebrate, please allow me to
indulge in a shameless plug of my very own group!

We have two new tracks on our site, recorded on 6 October at the Deia
International Festival.

The first is the fourth "dumka", Andante moderato, from Dvorak's "Dumky"
trio.  An additional feature of this track is extensive and fascinating
commentary from listmembers Steve Schwartz and Joel Lazar.

The second is the Elegie Op.  23 by Josef Suk.  The commentary for this
track was written by my mom, former reporter for People Magazine.

Hope they're enjoyable!

David Runnion