Donald Satz wrote:

>So, being the good boy that I am, I have never put my fingers or any other
>part of me on playing surfaces.  That also applies to the type of sets
>Richard is talking about, and the Prague set is one of them.  Even if it
>takes me a half-hour to get those cd's out of the paper cover, I'm not
>fooling with the playing surface.  It can be troublesome, but I push, blow,
>slam, huff-and-puff, whatever I need to do to get that disc out of the
>sleeve and into the cd player.

At home, I let the discs fall out of their paper sleeves onto a soft
surface (towel, tissue etc.) and then handle them by their edges.  I don't
trust my abilities at this task at 55+ mph, nor the auto's cd player to not
damage or scratch discs, so I only use cdr copies for use on the road.  To
deal with the glove compartment's limited space, we use slim-line cd cases,
the booklets stay home.