Richard Pennycuick writes:

>I'm now anxious to lay my hands on some more of this apparently highly
>interesting composer.  Any suggestions?

Richard mentioned his purchase of Peterson-Berger's 3rd symphony on Musica
Sveciae.  I think that CPO has released his 1st and 2nd symphony as well
as the third.  Concerning solo piano music, BIS released a couple of years
ago a disc which received some good and not so good reviews in periodicals.
Richard might want to sample that disc; perhaps one of the web sales sites
has some audio samplers.  In fact, if I remember right, I listened to sound
samples of the BIS disc from CDNOW.  Based on those samples, I did not
acquire the disc; the music sounded too romantic and inconsequential.

I haven't reached a final conclusion on my opinion of Peterson-Berger's
music.  I have the three first symphonies and need to listen to them more
to get a good handle on the man.

Don Satz
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