Robin Mitchell-Boyask ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>This reminds me to add that the "live" recordings of Bernstein late in
>his career were so heavily patched as to be virtually a studio recording.
>I have, for example, very vivid memories of his Sibelius 2 (not least
>because it was the first live VPO concert I heard in Vienna), but the
>performance presented some of most appalling brass playing I've ever

Not only Bernstein but most of what passes for 'live' these days are put
together from often 2 or more concerts plus the dress rehearsal plus even
a patch-up session afterwards (the 'live' Karajan mahler 9 For Instance)

>The recording emerged a bit different, needless to say.  I've found it a
>bit ironic that the most consistently accurate orchestra I've ever heard
>(Cleveland) has never made a live recording.%)

Never say never. The 1968 (?) Szel Mahler 6 is a live recording.

Deryk Barker
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