Robin Mitchell-Boyask wrote:

>It is said that when Stokowski resigend he wanted either Walter or
>Klemperer to succeed him (interesting twist given K's loathing for W).
>One wonders how the history of recorded music would have differed had not
>external forces elevated Eugene Ormandy to the post (this is not to knock
>Ormandy).  Either of those conductors, in their prime, with Stokie's
>musicians.  Wow.

I have never gotten the idea that Klemperer 'loathed' Walter.  Sure, he
referred to Walter as a moralist, and himself as an 'immoralist', which
I have always thought was K's idea of a sort of joke.  Heavy-handed, but
a joke nonetheless.

They certainly posed for photos together several times.  It's not my
impression that they were friends, although they had friendships in common.
They probably lived in So.  Calif.  at the same time, although it may be
that Walter came there later.  There was likely a bit of professional
rivalry there, dating from their times in Berlin.

I have several books that might shed some light.  I'll look it up.  It may
be that you are aware of things I'm not.

As I said, 'loathing' seems too strong.

Bill S