Bill Pirkle ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Could someone enlighten me as to what public service music critics perform.
>How is life better with them here?

How about a private service?

As I began to discover music (mid teenage years and on) it began with
recordings.  At 16 I began subscribing to Boston Symphony concerts (Munch's
last year).  I began to devour what to me was new music (Brahms, 5
Beethoven piano concerti, Richard Strauss, etc.).  I soon learned my
own response to a performance was not shared by all critics, and that
consistency impressed me.  At times I would buy a recording, find it very
satisfying, then learn a particular critic did not like it.  In the future
a negative review from that critic could favorably influence me and I would
take it as an indicator that I might like the recording.

This was a great guide that helped develop my own tastes.

Today, I try to get a sense how my tastes and a critic or list members
tastes are similar or different, and use that as a guide.


Tom Connor