Satoshi Akima wrote an extensive response to what I understood to be Lou
Santacroce's interpretation of Parsifal, including:

>>Kundry is described by Santacroce as the only creature Klingsor cannot
>>control.  She had mocked Jesus on His way to His crucifixion and is doomed
>>to wander the earth evermore, or something like that, but she isn't the
>>wandering Jew(ess).  Why not? Well first, because the Jews weren't there
>>at the time; they were home enjoying their Seders.  The only people outside
>>to mock Jesus, were pagans.  But, possibly more important, according to
>>Santacroce, Wagner finds her capable of salvation, which Jews, racially

Just to avoid confusion, that last sentence should have ended "which Jews,
racially[,] are not."

Walter Meyer