Allan Kohrman wrote:

>I enjoy Don Satz's commentary, but I wish he would consider Maurice
>Gendron's set on Philips, a set readily available.  In my thirty years
>of listening to the Suites, I find his set preferable to any other.

I agree with you regarding the quality of Gendron's performance.  I
am a Bach-NUT like my friend Mr. Satz and I regularly agree with his
commentary.  However, sometimes my favorite version isn't even on his
list.  Perhaps he hasn't listened to all available versions (who has?).
This leads me to ask myself, "Just how many fantastic or would-be favorite
performances are out there that *I* have never even heard or heard of?"
Sometimes a nearly limitless selection can have its drawbacks.

Wes Crone ([log in to unmask])