To All:

I am an amateur, first year beekeeper in upstate NY and would like know if
anyone can provide some insight to the following:

We have only three hives, two of which appear to be fairly strong, and a
third that is fiercely strong, so much that there are huge clumps or piles
of bees on the front face of the bottom hive body, all just hanging on to
one another.  Lately the quantities of bees have been so great that they are
not only covering the face of the hive body, but also bunching up around the
corners of the hive body where hive bodies 1 and 2 meet.

I suspect they are considering a swarm (please don't say it isn't so; it's
their first year here).  ANY input would be greatly appreciated. Currently
there are the 2 hive bodies, 1 shallow, and 2 deep supers that consitute the
hive at this time.  I'm thinking that they have plenty of space, but space
may not be the issue??  Any reflections are appreciated...

A little sidebar - I really appreciate this listserver.  I have been reading
everyone's throughput during the past week (I'm a newcomer), and it is
really helping me decide on a possible career change, especially knowing the
demand for pollinators.  I grew up on a large scale fruit and vegetable farm
in the Syracuse area where we needed many hives for the pollination of
cucurbits, and not until recently, strawberries.  I have begun to realize
how vital beekeeping truly is to food and fiber production.  I admire all of
you, and I thank you immensely for your contributions.


Jamie R. Banuski

205 Arnold Road
Burlington Flats, NY 13315


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