Could be varroa ,t.mites,viruses.etc.This past July was really bad
for crawlers at three of our National Forest yards.You would think
T.mites but this has been going on for 20 years only in that part-
icular area.There will be hundreds of bees running out in front
of the hives.Many will pile up dead in front like they were sprayed
but there is no spraying (wilderness)Since it happens every year
at the same time in the same place(tho some years hardly noticeable}
I assume its an enviormental problem.And in fact there is a small
amont of grassy death camas growing in that area that blooms about that
time.The brood is not affected.
     So anyway your problem could have any of several causes(assuming
it is a problem not just healthy bees gathering dew off the grass in the
morning)but Aaron is right check for Tmites.

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