Hi there,

I'm new to this list, and am so glad to have found it.  I'm an American
(married to a Brit) living in England for the past 3 1/2 years.  I have 3
children, ages 7, 2 and just turned 3 weeks.

My 3 week old has been gaining slowly and I have been under an enormous
amount of pressure from my Health Visitor to supplement him with formula.
I, of course, want to do what is best for my baby and not compromise his
health in any way...but I don't feel comfortable with the advice of the HV
and I am really stressed and upset.  I should mention she did the same
thing when I had my daughter 2 1/2 years ago (pushed formula because of
slow weight gain).

My son is not yet back up to his birth weight.  He weighed 6lb 12oz at
birth, and is today (21 days) at 6lb 8oz.  His lowest weight was 6lb 1oz at
11 days of age.  The HV wants to come out and weigh him constantly (average
3 times a week) although I have managed to put her off a couple of times.
Weighing him so frequently puts an enormous amount of pressure and stress
on me, and I feel it does not give us a chance to put some significant
weight on.  The last time she weighed him was 4 days ago, and when she came
today he had put on 2 1/2 oz.  He is having plenty of wet nappies, several
yellow seedy stools, and is becoming more alert (he was VERY sleepy at the
breast for some time...was jaundiced and had thrush) and active.  I also
feel he is more vigorous at the breast.  However, the HV is concerned
because he is below percentile on the growth chart...and thinks he should
catch up ASAP.  She would not leave today until I agreed to supplement him,
which is against my wishes.  She has advised me to stop pumping (using a
hospital grade double pump) and only nurse him every 3 hours ("to allow
your breasts to fill up") and to supplement him with 4oz. of formula after
EVERY breast feed.  I feel if I do this, he will be so full he will not go
back on the breast for ages and will thus compromise my milk
supply...although the health visitor insists the opposite will happen (says
he will become hungrier and nurse more frequently).  I should mention that
she agrees that he is well hydrated and she feels he is healthy, just that
he looks a "little scrawny" and is gaining slowly.  She is coming back to
weigh him tomorrow and she wants him to have put on an additional 4 oz (in
just 24 hours...I feel this is unreasonable!).  She also says she cannot
force me to supplement, but insinuates if I don't I will be starving my
baby (which he shows no signs of) and he will eventually quit feeding at
all and shut down.  She also said if he continues to gain slowly she will
have to recommend us for hospital referral, and the hospital will then feed
him the way they see fit to put weight on quickly.  I have given him
expressed breast milk by cup (I have an SNS but feel very awkward using
it...baby gets upset and won't latch on well....I don't mind the cup
feeding, even though time consuming) but she feels it would be perfectly OK
to supplement by bottle at this point, although she didn't force the

Sorry if this is all jumbled...trying to type while juggling attention
between my 3 children.  I should also mention I breastfed both of my other
children and they were both slow weight gainers.

I know this woman is doing her job, and perhaps she is right on the money
and I am wrong...but I don't feel comfortable with all of her suggestions,
and would feel better with additional opinions.  Please help...any and all
advice welcomed as I am in a panic about her visit tomorrow and am worried
what will happen if my son does not gain the 4 oz. she is expecting.  I
want to preserve our breastfeeding relationship, but do not want to
endanger my son in any way.

Thanks and God Bless,

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