Satoshi Akima wrote:

>I am a doctor and all sleep experts will tell you not to do anything such
>a watch TV, and read books, while trying to go to sleep.  Bed, they say
>should be for two things: sleep and ... but not music!
>But my final prescription is this: no REAL music lover would even think
>of using REAL music as a mere soporific.  Even the Goldberg Variations
>could keep me up all night.

I wish I could think of a gentle way to disagree with you, but I can't
so I won't.  Music lovers, even real ones, even REAL MUSICIANS sometimes
like to listen to music as they fall asleep and as they wake up, as they
go about their chores, as they follow scores, and as they twiddle their
thumbs, ride in the car, take a bath, pet the cat, make love, eat dinner,
and go for a walk.  I am a real honest-to-Pete musician, and I have been
for many many years.  Music is either going on inside my head or coming at
me from cds, records, tapes, or radio.  Of course I love it.  Wouldn't be
here otherwise.  Some music is wakeup stuff, some is romantic, some helps
me get through the boring jobs of ironing and chopping veggies, some
soothes me and puts me in a relaxed frame of mind so sleep comes easily.
Sometimes the same piece that I have played (wide awake) in a live string
quartet will send me pleasantly off to sleep when I hear four OTHER people
do it.  News flash:  Real Musicians are just like REAL PEOPLE.  Some will
listen to music in order to sleep, and others will turn listening into a
religious event, wash their ears first, and pontificate over it.  You do
what you like with it, and I'll do what I like.  Real.  Hmph.  Humbug.
Real music lovers ought to be able to do whatever they darned want to
about their listening.

Mimi Ezust <[log in to unmask]>