This month's competition is a little different and, perhaps, a little more
difficult but the answers can be found on the website
As a result there have been fewer entries than normal so if you enter you
stand a good chance of winning.

FIRST PRIZE a free 6 month subscription to INTERNATIONAL RECORD REVIEW plus
any single CD of your choice available in the UK For the FIRST prize answer
the Question: Which disc recently reviewed on Music on the Web (UK)
contained music by an 11-year old son of a composer?

SECOND prize a free 6 month subscription to IRR

All entries to the above will be automatically entered into the draw below
provided the second question (below) is answered correctly For the second
prize only you do not need to attempt the question above.  For the SECOND
prize answer the Question: Give full details of the disc reviewed on this
site where one of the pieces was inspired by a quadriplegic murderer

Go on - hit the competition button!

Len Mullenger
Webmaster for Music on the Web (UK)