Welcome Sam!

>I'm Sam Kemp, and have only just started to subscribe to this list.  I'm
>an amateur pianist of fairly good standard (I hope - though the neighbours
>might disagree!:-) with an interest in Romantic music, particularly
>Beethoven and Mahler.  I have yet to meet anyone else who shares that
>particular esoteric preference!

Here you will find several others (including myself) who definitely share
your enthusiasm for Beethoven and Mahler.  You will also find people with
enthusiasms for all kinds of other composers and music which probably will
help you broaden your own interests.  You will also meet people who can
answer questions you may have about the music you listen to, play, or

>I hope that I've found some people with similar interests to myself here,
>as being a fourteen-year old at secondary school in the UK I seem to be in
>a minority of one!

Again, welcome to the list.  We look forward to learning more about your
impressions of music.
